In most organizations, managers are accountable for five important activities:
Recruitment/Talent Selection
Recruiting and selecting employees with talent that matches the best performers and that has the potential for excellence in the role.
Supporting employees to garner the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to develop their talents into strengths and express those strengths as proficiency and excellence in their roles.
Creating a work environment where employees feel connected to the organization and are enthusiastic about their work.
Performance Management
Helping employees meet and exceed the results and outcomes they are expected to contribute to the organization.
Promotion or Transition
Enabling and supporting employees to advance to a new role and/or set of responsibilities that are suitable for their strengths, current stage of development or life circumstances.
High-performance managers increase employee and team productivity and success by leading with a focus on employee engagement. They consistently create an inclusive and engaging environment that inspires and energizes employees and their teams. Managing with a focus on employee engagement will:
Help you drive and sustain high levels of performance
Gain the commitment of your employees
Make your job easier and more fulfilling
Managers are the critical link for influencing employee energy, performance and success.