What is involved in an online executive team briefing?
An online briefing is given by one of TalentMap's highly experienced subject matter expert consultants, with the objectives of:
Gaining a thorough understanding of the business context which led to the decision to conduct an employee survey
Bringing the Executive Team up to speed with exactly what is about to take place during the upcoming employee engagement survey. The session will cover the following topics:
Facilitated discussion - Business context leading to the decision to conduct an employee engagement survey:
Industry trends and pressures
Change management in the organization
Turnover and morale
What are the expectations for the engagement survey?
What specific issues need to be addressed?
Employee engagement: what's real and what's myth?
Benefits of Employee Engagement
How do we measure employee engagement? (The questionnaire)
The TalentMap Seven Step Survey Process, and managers' roles at key points during the process
Survey Deployment
Best practices for maximizing response rates
Examples of reporting
Last updated
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