Question Types

  • Radio Button - Use Radio Button questions to ask your respondents to choose a single option from a short list. Radio Button questions should always be used when asking yes or no questions.

  • Radio Button Grid - Use a Radio Button Grid to group a series of radio button questions together that share the same answer options.

  • Dropdown Menu - Use Dropdown Menus to ask your respondents to choose a single option from a long list.

  • Checkbox - Use Checkbox questions to ask your respondents to select multiple answers.

  • Textbox - Use Textbox questions to collect a single word or short sentence response.

  • Essay / Long Answer - Use Essay Questions to collect a paragraph or two of text. For example, ask respondents to provide additional feedback in their own words.

  • Email - Use Email questions to gather email addresses from your respondents for Entry or 1on1 Surveys.

  • Date - Use Date questions to collect date responses from your respondents.

  • Rating (Likert Scale) - Use Rating questions to collect respondents' opinions using answer choices that range from one extreme to another.

Last updated