Assign Restricted User to a Report
As a Compass Site Admin, you can add Restricted Report Viewer users to access and filter reports ONLY for their area of responsibility ex. Division, Department etc. These users cannot see reports for other areas of the organization.
A Restricted Report Viewer can:
View, filter and download Snapshot, Dashboards & Heatmap Reports
Compare Snapshot report data the Organization Overall
View Verbatim Comments - ONLY if permission is granted by a Site Admin
To create and assign a Restricted Report Viewer, please follow these steps:
Create User
As a Site Admin, go to Admin > Users > Add Users.
Enter the persons Full Name (First/Last) and email address.
Check "Can view comments" only if you want the user to view verbatim comments for their demographic group.
Click Save. An email invite will be sent to the user to verify their account.
Assign Access
As a Site Admin, go to Admin > Results > Survey Name > Assign Access.
Click Filters > select a demographic then choose the appropriate group(s).
Filter Examples
Executive: Division = Human Resources
Manager: Division = Human Resources AND Department = Staffing
Click OK
Once OK is clicked, the user will immediately have access to the report data. You may re-click Filters to edit a users filtered group(s) or click Clear Filters to remove ac
Last updated