What reports will our organization have access to?

Measuring engagement is one thing; understanding and using the results is another. You need a report that is robust but practical. TalentMap reports make it easy to interpret and use the survey findings. These reports give you actionable information about your team's engagement.

We offer a wide range of flexible reporting options including:

  • Snapshot with Key Driver Analysis

  • Dashboards

  • Executive & Manager Reports

  • Heatmaps

  • Correlations

  • Insights

  • Comments with;

    • AI meaning, Q&A and Topics and Suggestions

    • Sentiment Analysis

    • Word Clouds

All reports include year over year comparison data, benchmarking, comparison to a larger group or overall organization. Reports can be easily exported to Power Point, PDF and Excel. Our Batch reporting allows you to run hundreds of reports at the click of a button.

Measuring employee engagement is the equivalent of establishing the baseline health of your team. The results will reveal indicators of healthy and unhealthy conditions. You could also compare these findings, for example, with other teams or against the performance of the organization as a whole. These insights will help you understand how your team is doing relative to the organization and other teams.

Last updated